Goodbye Golden Silence, Hello World!
Veteran trader accuses the US central bank of ‘crime of the century’all "vaccines" are poison. the cause of all human disease... a menace to humanity since 1795!
CIA/Mossad: “We create a pretend world. We are a global production company. We write the screenplay —we're the directors. We're the producers. We're the main actors. The world is our stage.”
"War is when your glorious leaders tell you who the enemy is, A REVOLUTION is when you figure it out for yourself!"
if your government appears to be from the top down, then you live under a tyranny or dictatorship
NATO = North Atlantic Terror Organisation
WHO = World Harm Organisation
WEF = World Economic Fascists
IMF = International Mafia Fund
western medicine is based on the premise that if you give sick people poison they'll get better...? doctors are trained in 85% pure bullshit by medical schools
You're not experiencing a financial "down turn" you're victims in a robbery on a massive scale
If the people knew the truth, there would be a revolution before morning!
Israel is a dangerous and fantastic lie. "Israel" was a person (Jacob) and later a people, who lived in Judea. Modern Israel is a state created in the 20th century by those who hated the people of Israel.
THE GREAT DECEPTION - listen to this conversation between Pres Nixon and Rev Billy Graham...they are discussing the difference between the Jews that are biblical and those who are Satanists. We are being run by the Satanists and anyone who aligns with that group is being lead by the great deceiver.
there is nothing new under the sun. they've been warning us for hundreds of years. can't think why our glorious leaders censored this bit... I wonder what they didn't like?
ephesians 6:11-12
"Put on the whole armor of God that ye may abide the stand against the assaults of the devil for we wrestle not only against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, and against worldly governors who ye are the princes of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness which are in ye high places."
Geneva bible 1591
control your thoughts. whatever the mind can conceive and believe the mind can achieve you've gotta believe it and there's if there's no belief it ain't gonna happen. see when you believe it you're encased in the idea you fuse with the idea and that makes all kinds of thing happen you do become what you think about most of the time you also become what you say to yourself most of the time match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality it can be no other way this is not a philosophy this is physics. the brain transmits and received frequency. those frequencies affects physical matter in the universe at a quantum level. the only catch... how to prevent careless thoughts in this realm you tend to get what you fear the most.
all this "bible" stuff needs a re-think. the bible is inconsistent and self-contradictory. most likely written by Jesuits, freemasons and Zionists. e.g. KJV bible exodus 34:14 For thou shalt worship no other god: for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God: ... Of whom could God be jealous? "Jealously" implies another... the authors forgot that! has any profit thought to ask the real God to clarify which it is?
anything that is non-falsifiable is probably a lie. like globe earth...
there are no terrorists, only government nudge units with an agenda, yes your glorious leaders really do harm, injure, murder and kill as many as necessary to support the latest thing, they have form.
WW1, WW2, belfast, iraq war, afghanistan, 9/11, ebola, 7/7, syria, convid, Oct 7, israel/gaza, birdflu, blm/antifa, fake riots, etc., etc.
who are "they"? [They] = the entities tied to the formation of Israel and their evil plot to control the world.
why does "IS" never attack israel? "dogs never bite the hand that feeds." springs to mind.
of all political systems, democracy is the worst, apart from all the others that have been tried
Bill Gates tabled the idea to the CIA of Population Control? Not just the future management of Population Growth, but also the Control of the remaining Populations who would eventually realise what was going on. It involved the idea of Ethnically cleansing the Populations that hold most of the Land Assets the greedy 0.2% desire.
if the "moon landings" were real, who was holding the camera? and did they stay behind? presumably the same person cemented behind the vatican jubliee door for 25 years?
if "nukes" were real, how did the camera survive?
You watched "The Hunger Games" and sided with the resistance. You watched "Star Wars" and sided with the resistance. You watched "The Matrix" and sided with the resistance. You watched "Divergent" and sided with the resistance. You watched "V for Vendetta" and sided with the resistance. When it's fiction you understand. Yet you refuse to see it when it's the reality you're living in.
"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies".
"I don't understand why we have to give money to countries that hate us, they should be able to hate us for free!
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Dism.exe /online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup
DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth /source:e:\sources\install.wim
we are all individualisations of god. entity or master control program?
all this "bible" stuff needs a re-think. the bible is inconsistent and self-contradictory. most likely written by Jesuits, freemasons and Zionists from their god's point of view. e.g. KJV bible exodus 34:14 For thou shalt worship no other god: for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God: ... Of whom could God be jealous? "Jealously" implies another... the authors forgot that! has any profit thought to ask the real God to clarify which it is?
the real virus is government, it spreads by media