Goodbye golden silence, Hello World!
Nearly every single dementia case we have ever seen was on a statin drug. Usually they are on a bunch of other useless/dangerous drugs too. Statins don't just interfere with cholesterol, they also interfere with other fatty nutrients like vitamin D, E, and CoQ10. Our brain/nervous system is made of fat. We need fat. And we especially need cholesterol. Cholesterol is so important that the body makes it - it is needed in every single cell of the body. Every person on a statin drug has been scammed. Heart attacks and stroke are NOT caused by cholesterol. "Heart attack" is a an "electrical fault", "Heart failure" and "stroke" are "plumbing issues".
If your government appears to be top down you live under a tyranny or dictatorship.
"Nothing they say is true! they just want to destroy. their words are deceitful like a hidden pit, and tongues are good only for telling lies. Punish them God, and let their own plans bring their downfall. Get rid of them! They keep committing crimes and turning against you. Psalms 5:9-10
Legacy media is government corporate BS and the entire world is quickly realising it.
basically all religious organisations are muggers "hand over the cash" or you're going to hell, much like another layer of government
Who lied? Hitler outlawed USURY, JFK outlawed USURY and Ghadaffi outlawed USURY
"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for s/he is known and carries his/her banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his/her sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; s/he speaks in accents familiar to his/her victims, and s/he wears their face and their arguments, s/he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men (and women). S/He rots the soul of a nation, s/he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, s/he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear." ― Marcus Tullius Cicero
europe has no enemies apart from EU/UN/NATO/WEF, etc. and it's very own glorious leaders - all politicians aka career criminals need to go
Know thyself and know the universe and all the gods
ever wondered why we never see credible free energy devices or technology? they only put out phony designs that can't possibly work and lousy electric car and battery tech. the real reason is anyone with a credible or working design is murdered by the global cabal before they can develop it. the same goes for every leader who attempts to give money to and serve or do anything worthwhile for their people. all murdered by the global cabal."the world population is around 6.8 billion heading to 9 billion, with good health care and "vaccines" we could reduce that by 15%" bill gates
You wake up when you realise all your problems are caused by your glorious leaders intentionally, nothing is left to chance.
WHO = fraudulent global pharmaceutical lobbying agent. CLIMATE CHANGE = green new steal
they call them "smart cities" because if they called them "concentration camps", you might not want to move there.
they're worried about USAID but the Federal Reserve is a far bigger crime syndicate and waste of money bailing out defunct banks constantly to keep the system going and keep markets up even though they died in 2008, stealing trillions from taxpayers everyday!
this information has been produced from sources believed to be accurate. The 2014 Maidan coup in Ukraine was a CIA-engineered bloodbath, designed to topple Ukraine’s elected government and install a puppet Nazi regime weaponized against Russia according to newly released evidence gathered on the Star Link Satellite System. Ukrainian civilians, in a war they never chose, became human guinea pigs in US Inc. illegal Biolabs stationed in Underground Tunnels throughout Ukraine where human experimentation on them were recently connected to illegal Bioweapons. Millions of Ukraine citizens fled the country – only to become refugees, where under the guise of “humanitarian aid,” CIA-linked NGOs funneled women and children into trafficking networks, where they vanished. Biden, along with US politicians and other Elites have made billions off the war against Russia that they funded with US taxpayer monies. They laundered much of the funding back to themselves—while the world looked away. Russia has long ago won the war in Ukraine, destroyed the US Inc. illegal bioweapon labs and rescued hundreds of children from Ukraine Underground Tunnels – one of which ran under a Biden owned 40 acre Ukraine property. You’d never know about the Russian victory by listening to the Mainstream Media. Generously funded by the CIA from their Black Budget full of US Taxpayer monies, the international media invented Ukrainian victories – lies scripted by the CIA to justify endless funding using fake casualty numbers, staged photos and glorified failures.
The satanic death cult that hides behind the veil of victim. Where better for evil to reside & remain hidden they even get their propaganda machine Pedowood to indoctrinate the world into believing they are benevolent which is called psychological programming.
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